Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Hi folks, a less belated post this time.

I've been fairly lazy in posting some of the stuff happening here. Though, truly, it has been fairly chill for the last two weeks. Got into doing the whole local thing pretty well, integrated myself into the staff of the hostel by doing the weeding, painting, and then setting up the manager with a set of booking spreadsheets in excel that works pretty nicely. Paid for the rest of my stay and some extra for when I stop by again in the future. A nice exchange indeed. Also picked up a bit more music with helping him also set up some torrent downloads and DVD "backup" software.

Now I'm mostly ready to get onto Japan.

If all goes well, I won't see the US for a few years at least. That will be utterly strange and different, and on the whole, I'm not exactly sure how I feel about that yet. It is, of course, more or less what I want, otherwise I wouldn't be doing it. But, as new and strange things go, it is that.

The US does have a number of amazing and good things going for it, and a lot to learn how to do better. It would be my hope that, unless the tides turn entirely in the wrong direction, I would come back and share that with a willing-to-improve kind of homeland. Here's hoping.

Nonetheless, the temporary home and friends I've made here in Kauai has been a good testament to the idea I have for my vagabonding adventure. I have a longer raison d'être in the works, but it still needs some better polishing and edition. Suffice to say that just travelling around and seeing things and having adventure, as much as it will get done, is not, by far, what I'm trying to do. More that I'm trying to find a way of living, and more precicely, living with people, so that I may make the entire world my home. Living the vision of borderless lands is what it comes down to, and only when we can all do that, and feel at home doing so, then we won't need this needless running about with maps and lines.

Anyway, I shall stop my pontificating for now. Goodbye United States. May you live up to your own ideals someday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You will always have a home in our hearts. That is the only real place there is.