Been here in Japan a good week and a half now. Since the last post, and Monday in fact, I've been staying with Tim, a friend of a friend from Corvallis (though safe to say we're hitting it off well too...). I'm going to be heading out soon, as he is with his girlfriend in a rather small place, and I need to get out and see the rest of Japan as well. Honestly, Tokyo, though a large and fascinating place, is very cityish, and it's taking it's toll. I think I could do with some good country air. We'll see. Aparently the Japanese know this as well, as, in an article I read, many want to live out in the country. Or was that just the females interviewed. Anyway.
Tried to get over to Hombu dojo again today to watch a session, but got a late start, wanted to get a resume out to a job finder service, and ended up getting lost again. Found it, but right when the last class ended. Ah well, next time. Did manage to pick up some new books. New pocket dictionary, japanese learning book, and Kafka on the Shore, recent bestseller book by Murakami--looks very cool.
Otherwise, going to look, right now in fact, on what to do next. I need to get out of Tokyo, but where to go next. There's a big festival in Kyoto right now, so that could be very cool, or not. It's either thot or up to Hokkaido. Depends on how accomodations do in Kyoto and if I want to actually activate the pass, get by on a buss for a few days, and stuff. Blah blah.
So tired. My back is starting to hurt and doesn't recover quickly enough. Managed a short yoga session today, but I need to figure out how to either walk better, cary my day pack better, or something. Perhaps walk less...
But, alas... that's probably not in the future.
Hoping to get some camping in soon though. Have a new bivy sack ready for trial, and apparently it's relatively okay to sleep (like a bum) in any park--at least the guide book says so. One has to be generally careful and be good about the timing (pitch in dark and up at dawn, etc.). We'll see.
Anyway, on to the pictures. (I do wish there was a way to journal clip like in LJ, but haven't seen it here yet... not like you're reading this on a list, eh?)
(holy crap... I think I just got corn juice out of the hot drink dispenser... this country will not cease to amaze for awhile still... wish I could read Japanese though... I think it's probably for soup... I hope... good lord...)
Also, my apologies if it takes an age to load them all... (cthulhu hasn't been out much yet... I don't think... soon... I promise...)
So, first back to Kaua'i, Hawai'i... had some I didn't get the chance to post...

Guys from the hostel (L->R)Nightheart, Mike, & Friend)

Jeff (staff cook--did I mention they have a cooking show?) and Nikki

Fireworks on the 4th! at the hostel

Some art I believe Nightheart did
And now, on to Japan!

The girls I managed to sorta talk to on the plane... ;-)

Yes... that's a duckie paddle boat. This would be in Yoyogi park.

Nice crane and boat photo

Turtle and water photo

Temple top in Yoyogi park

Rodin's Gates of Hell... Modern art museum recreations

Samurai and his dog... story here somewhere, but I can't remeber it

An interesting tomb marker picture. Really wish I could read Japanese now.

Samurai sculpture... obligatory photo op.

Meiji shine

Wedding procession I caught at the Meiji shrine... didn't get a good one though. Don't want to think of how much this costs...

Again, turtles are cuter...

...than the coi.

Tori at the Meiji Shrine.

Shibuya... did I mention this place has a lot of people and buildings... ;-)

Me in Shinjuku with Yoshio-san... though I should've gotten him... ah well.

They have only perfect carrots in Japan. No pre-peeled baby carrots. No other kind than this... perfect bunch of carrots.

My first sticker (a new set of Pokemon to be precise) that came with my bananas.

Cavalry at the Imperial Gardens/Main gate area.

Another shot of the Imperial Palace bits... Don't know what this is actually.

View of the Imperial Palace Gate. They had just done a changing of the guard with appropriate pomp and circumstance that military types do.
And now! Some Chibis!

Construction Chibi... my favorite so far was the tooth chibi on a commercial on the yamanote line I saw, but couldn't get a picture. This is up there too. There were others, but this one was best.

Shibuya again. Or is this Shinjuku... like it matters... Yay neon...

Weird sculpture at a kid's activity center (I think).

Shopping chibi in Ebisu. Yay octopi!

Cute cleaning elephant chibi!
More... eventually...
ZOMG it's the Fruity Oatey Bar Octopus Chibi!
Loves the pix.
i love all the samaurai statues.
oh..and the turtles.
definately cute
yes indeed, the chibis are everywhere. very cute. I think there are a fair number in the next batch as well.
Thanks for reading all!
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