Monday, August 07, 2006


Well, my apologies for neglecting the blog for so long. But enough of that.

I had the chance while on the train from Hokkaido to Aomori to write about three hours worth of blog posts... but that's a bit much to post all at once, so I'll be trying to split things up a bit and back post some stuff.

As for right now though, I'm in Hiroshima, generally being very warm and most as is the climate. Planning on getting to somewhere in Kyushu tomorrow, though, why I'm going even further south is still perplexing to me. Hopefully write more about the peace memorial on the 6th. It was pretty good.

And then, maybe some photos too... Easy to spend lots of time at these manga kissa without even noting it. Sigh.

Oh, and after all of that... I did manage to loose a pair of underwear. Washing machine ate it or something... ah well...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Erm, thanks for the briefing!
You said you needed to lighten your load, but I'm not sure that's what you intended.
I am enjoying the narrative, especially about the karaoke. Glad to hear you are keeping up the satsang, though in a different context.

Take care!